Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
SACPS Moves to Holding Site
Thursday, November 4, 2010
COMPASS (Community and Parents in Support of Schools) - Part 2
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
COMPASS (Community and Parents in Support of Schools) - Part 1
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Children's Day - 30 September 2010
Children’s Day was celebrated in school on 30 September 2010 and once again, we could count on the invaluable support of the CCEs to create a fun & exciting day for the girls.
Besides being rewarded with a slightly longer recess whereby CCEs distributed a cup of Matkool Ice Cream & a small can of Pringles Potato Chips to each girl, there was also a surprise lucky dip in store for them. It was a sure win as each girl walked away with items such as stuff toys, stickers, paper bags amongst others that were generously donated. The ice creams were especially a refreshing treat on a hot day for the P1 to P3 girls as they were having their Games Day activities. The girls were extremely excited over the lucky dip – there were squeaks of joy as some picked up what they were eyeing and for those who did not, they were equally delighted and some even went on a swapping spree with their friends!
It was a heart-warming sight to see the girls enjoying their ice cream and muching on their potato chips....ah the innocence of childhood and how the simple things in life make their day.
Thank you to all the CCEs who made it all happen both at the AM & PM recesses....you were great in taking up all the necessary roles so that we could ensure all 1500 girls had their share of goodies in the quickest & orderly manner.
Do check out the slideshow on the right.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
SFE Workshop For Parents - Cyberwellness
Monday, September 20, 2010
School Family Education - MCYS September E-Newsletter
School Family Education
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Mid-Autumn Festival - 18 September 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
SFE Workshop For Parents - Effective Discipline
Monday, July 19, 2010
SFE Parent-Child Bonding Activity - Roller Blading - 17 July 2010
School Family Education - Parent Facilitator Training
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Read-A-Thon Book Carnival - 2 July 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
SFE Parent-Child Bonding Activity
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Singapore Parenting Congess 2010
Organised by Mediacorp and supported by MCYS, the Congress provides a platform for parents and educators to learn parenting skills from renowned speakers and foster stronger parent-child relationships. Seminars will be conducted in four languages.
Date: Saturday 17 July 2010 & Sunday 18 July 2010
Parents from SACPS who are attending the Congress, kindly retain your ticket stubs and send them to our SFE Co-ordinator Ms Margarette Taylor with your name, contact details, daughter's name and class via the School's General Office.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
SFE Parent-Child Bonding Trip to Kukp 15 May 2010
We left the school at 630am and after crossing the Second Link and breakfast at Gelang Patah, we jumped straight into the string of exciting activities that were lined up for the day - batik painting, a visit to the pewter factory, lunch @ the kelong followed by a visit to the kelong.
What would a trip to Johore Bahru be without some shopping! The group spent about 1.5hrs at Tebrau City getting some good bargains. After a sumptuous dinner, it was home sweet home after an exhausting but no doubt enjoyable and enriching day for all.
Here are some of the comments from parents who have joined us for the trip:
Kelly Anne Soh - We like the batik painting and kelong trip.
Juliana Jahja - I had a wonderful time spending the day with my daugther. Job well done, thanks a bunch!
Noraini Bte Jayani - It was an eye opener for my child to see the life of the fishing villagers in Kukup and had our first experience at batik painting.
Roland & Priscilla Seet - Well Done! The guide was excellent - speaks well and very knowledgeable
Lily Wong - The trip was very good for family bonding and my child had gained some knowledge from the trip.
Look out for future family bonding activities and we hope more families will come join us!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Read-a-thon 2010 – A School Building Fund Project

Below are the acitivities that the school will be conducting for this event:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"The Armour of Love" - Sunday 23May 2010
The objective of the talk is to help married couples recognise that love is not just a feeling that comes and goes, but love is a conscious effort to make a decision that will benefit your spousal and family relationship; love is to be life-giving to your loved ones.
More details of the talk as well as registration details can be found here.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mother's Day Flower Sale 2010
This flower is the fruit of labour of a few CCEs who spent several hours hand making them. Simple as it looks, it nevertheless wowed the girls. The sale was overwhelming during the am and pm recesses.
Thank you girls for showing your love for mum and we are sorry we had to turn away many of you as the flowers were snapped up very quickly.
Thank you to all CCEs who turn up to support the School in this activity!
DadsforLife Conference 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Family Bonding 1 Day Trip to Kukup, JB
Full details of the trip can be found here.
Deadline to submit reply slips would be Friday 30 April 2010.
Do book your places early as its only limited to 80 pax!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How To Beat Exam Stress
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Talk For Parents - Transition to Secondary One
Date: Saturday 22 May 2010
Time: 2.00pm - 5.30pm (Registration starts at 1.30pm)
Venue: Victory Hall, 743 Hersing Hub, Level 8, Toa Payoh Lorong 5 (nearest MRT: Toa Payoh)
Fee: $5.00 per person
Closing Date: 15 May 2010
More details of the talk can be found here - http://fcd.ecitizen.gov.sg/NR/rdonlyres/7F61AE86-0DAD-474A-BB53-C75F86D0C295/0/Parentingseminar2010Flyer.pdf
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
School Family Education @ SACPS
Upcoming events are as follows:
30 April 2010 - Talk for Parents: Help you Child Beat Exam Stress
15 May 2010 - Family Bonding Trip to Kukup
25 May 2010 - Tea Time Talk cum Jewellery Making session for Parents
More information on the above programmes will be annouced in due course. Do note that a nominal fee is usually charged to cover operating course.
To help us in our role as parents, the SFEC has a collection of family education resources such as books and DVDs. The SFE Centre located on the 1st level, next to the General Office, is open every Tuesday from 9am to 2pm and parents are welcome to come by to utilise or borrow these resources.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Free Seminar for Parents
Do You Think Your Child Can Actually Achieve Better Result In School But They Are Not?
(This workshop is suitable for children from age 9 - 17)
Do you realize that your child has the potential to excel in school, but they did not?
Do you realize that your child is smart but they could not do well in exam?
If your child is smart and has the potential, then why they are not achieving a remarkable result?
What can be the reasons?
Unless you discover the reasons for their underachiever’s performance, you could not help them at all.
There are many factors contributing to a child's inability to perform well in school.
Sending your child to tuition may not be the only solution. Tuition may not address the issues that your child is facing. It is like giving panadol to a cough patient, he is not going to be cured.
Your child may face some other issues that is not academic related, but can affect them academically.
So how are you going to help your child? What are some of the issues that you child may be facing that is affecting their results in school?
We would like to invite you to this FREE Youth Success Seminar to find out:
- Why does MY child lack the motivation to study?
- 5 steps to help MY child get better result in school.
- Why some study strategies does not work for MY child
- How to raise MY child’s confidence level.
- How to help MY child to study more effectively.
- How can MY child acquire positive attitude in life.
Register NOW to secure your seats early. (Limited to 30 seats ONLY)
You may bring your children to the seminar.
Dates:3rd April or 4th April 2010
Time:3pm to 5pm
Venue: 10 Winstedt Road, Block B #01-12 Trainers Resource Centre
(5 mins walk from Newton Food Centre. Next to ACS Junior)
Map: Click link for direction http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_1/travel_site_21032/5/
Nearest MRT station: Newton MRT
Friday, March 12, 2010
An Invitation - Fathers@School and Dads For Life Website Launch
The Fathers@Schools programmes, to be launched on 1 April 2010, is intended to support the objectives of the movement by providing a focal point to promote fathers involvement in their childrens education and to mobilise and support fathers to be role models to their children and to be more active in their childrens lives. Participating schools receive $2000 funding annually to support the development of father-focused activities in schools.
Parent representatives from the school are invited to the launch where more information about the movement and the Fathers@Schools programmes will be shared.

Alternatively, for more information on Fathers@Schools, as well as the Dads for Life Movement, can be found @ www.dadsforlife.sg.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Lenten Reflection
The school with the support of the Praying Parents is organising the above event on Friday 12 March 2010, 6.00-8.00pm.
The evening's program details are as follows:
1) 6.00-7.00pm - Parents Session
Faith Formation by Sr Janet Wang, Head of SACPS Chaplaincy Team
Topic: Greatest Love
Venue: Chapel
2) 7.00-8.00 pm - Parents & Children Session
Stations of the Cross
Venue: Festival Court
Non-Catholic parents are welcome to join in the sessions if they wish to participate.
We look forward to seeing you!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
CCE Recognition
Receiving their awards on 26 February 2010 during the am session celebration were Michelle Khoo, Devy Suleiman and Charles Wee from the CCE Exco.
(L-R) Ms Helen Hong (VP), Charles Wee, Mrs Eugenie Tan (P), Devy Suleiman
Another group of parents who received their awards during the pm session celebration were the ladies from the Praying Parents - Sylvia Ng, Sheila Tan, Karen Misson, Priscilla Seet, Julie Ngiam and Caroline de Silva.
(L-R) Sylvia Ng,Sheila Tan,Karen Misson,Priscilla Seet,Julie Ngiam,Caroline de Silva, Theresa Yong
Congratulations to all recipients!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Its Not Just About The Birds & The Bees!
SFE adopts a holistic family learning model – equipping parents with effective parenting skills and training them to be parent facilitators, helping school staff to enhance their family life, and providing students with life skills training.
The parent-child relationship has much impact on the child’s academic achievements and positive attitudes/ behaviour, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/ racial background or parents’ education level.
More information of SFE can be found at www.sfe.org.sg
St Anthony's Cannosian Primary School has joined the SFE since 2006 and SFE programmes have been well received by parents, students and staff.
We begin 2010 with a workshop for parents - Its Not Just About The Birds & The Bees
Details as follows:
Date: 20 February 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Venue: Magdalenian Centre, SACPS Level 1
Fee: $5/person, $8 for 2 parents
Speaker: Ms Michelle Soliano-Lew (Family Life Society)
More information of the workshop & speaker can be found on the invite which will be given to all girls. Reply (with payment) is to be returned to the General Office. Deadline is Wednesday 10 February 2010. Limited space available, do register early to avoid disappointment.
Alternatively, a copy of the invite is attached here.
We look forward to seeing you!
Praying Parents - 27 January 2010
27 Jan 2010 saw the 1st session for the P3 & P4 girls.
As the girls entered the chapel, they were each given a "Jesus Loves You" heart-shaped card and on each card, there was a quotation from the bible.
Sister Janet Wang, Head of Chaplaincy Team, opened the session by welcoming the girls.
A core member of the group, Julie, led in the session along with her husband.
Following the opening hymn, there was a scripture reading and a short reflection on it. Thereafter the girls prayed for themselves, their families and friends. They also remembered the the victims of the recent Haiti earthquake & Ethiopian plane crash.
An offering of prayers written by some of the girls were offered to the Lord as well as a decade of the Rosary was also dedicated to Mother Mary.
The session ended with a thanksgiving prayer read by a group of girls. There was also an activity for the girls to bring back - they were given another "Jesus Loves You" card and this time they were encouraged to write a short note on the card and they were free to give the cards to their loved ones or even to those whom they find difficult to love.
A big kudos to the core members of the group who have worked hard to make the session a meaningful one for the girls especially in producing the materials such as PowerPoint slides to make it easier for the girls to participate. It was heartening to see other parents who turned up to lend their support. There were some who took time off from work while others came by during their lunch time! We hope more parents would come to join their girls for future sessions. Do keep a look out at the monthly Parents Connection where details of Praying Parents sessions will be announced.
Photos of the session can be viewed here.