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Monday, March 29, 2010

Free Seminar for Parents

Actionpreneur Pte Ltd is conducting the following seminar that ensures your child applies what they learn.

Do You Think Your Child Can Actually Achieve Better Result In School But They Are Not?
(This workshop is suitable for children from age 9 - 17)

Do you realize that your child has the potential to excel in school, but they did not?
Do you realize that your child is smart but they could not do well in exam?
If your child is smart and has the potential, then why they are not achieving a remarkable result?
What can be the reasons?

Unless you discover the reasons for their underachiever’s performance, you could not help them at all.

There are many factors contributing to a child's inability to perform well in school.
Sending your child to tuition may not be the only solution. Tuition may not address the issues that your child is facing. It is like giving panadol to a cough patient, he is not going to be cured.
Your child may face some other issues that is not academic related, but can affect them academically.

So how are you going to help your child? What are some of the issues that you child may be facing that is affecting their results in school?

We would like to invite you to this FREE Youth Success Seminar to find out:

- Why does MY child lack the motivation to study?
- 5 steps to help MY child get better result in school.
- Why some study strategies does not work for MY child
- How to raise MY child’s confidence level.
- How to help MY child to study more effectively.
- How can MY child acquire positive attitude in life.

to 9637 2267 NOW to reserve your seat or send an email to

Register NOW to secure your seats early. (Limited to 30 seats ONLY)
You may bring your children to the seminar.

Dates:3rd April or 4th April 2010
Time:3pm to 5pm
Venue: 10 Winstedt Road, Block B #01-12 Trainers Resource Centre
(5 mins walk from Newton Food Centre. Next to ACS Junior)
Map: Click link for direction
Nearest MRT station: Newton MRT

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